Overview of our current and upcoming activities


April 2025

  • Continuation of the restoration on Hummock Island, Falkland Islands, by further tussac and native plant plantations.


November to January 2023

  • Field work on Hummock Island, Falkland Islands: Various projects on flora and fauna, including deployment of camera loggers on Magellanic Penguins to investigate their feeding behavior, a study on the abundance of Sooty Shearwater in cooperation with Dr. Antje Steinfurth (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK) and a cooperative study with Dr. Andrea Raya Rey (CONICET, Ushuaia, Argentina) on the foraging ecology of Cormorants and various raptors.


November 2024

  • Study on the phenology of King Penguins in the Reserva Natural Pinguino Rey in the Magellan Strait, Chile, in cooperaton with Dr. Robin Cristofari, University of Helsinki.


October/November 2024

  • Continuation of the study on the foraging ecology of Erect-crested and Eastern Rockhopper Penguins on the Bounty and Antipodes Islands, New Zealand, in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Mattern (Tawaki Project) and Dr. Pablo Garcia-Borboroglu (Global Penguin Society).


October 2024

  • Publication of our Newsletter #20/2024 [in German].


July 2024


April 2024

  • Continuation of the restoration project on Hummock Island, Falkland Islands, by further tussac plantations. Done.


December 2023/January 2024

  • Continuation of the study on the foraging ecology of Erect-crested and Eastern Rockhopper Penguins on the Bounty and Antipodes Islands, New Zealand, in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Mattern (Tawaki Project) and Dr. Pablo Garcia-Borboroglu (Global Penguin Society). Done.


November 2023

  • Field work on Hummock Island, Falkland Islands, by Klemens Pütz: Various projects on flora and fauna, including deployment of camera loggers on Magellanic Penguins and a cooperative study with Dr. Andrea Raya Rey (CONICET, Ushuaia, Argentina) on the diet of various bird of prey species. Done.


May 2023

  • Continuation of the winter krill project at South Georgia in cooperation with the Government of South Georgia and the British Antarctic Survey. Tracking of Gentoo penguins to evaluate potential interactions with the commercial winter krill fishery. Done.