Millions of seabirds and marine mammals live and breed in Antarctica and the surrounding seas. Over the years, many of these species have suffered considerably from human exploitation of the area. Although most species are now protected, many are still seeing a reduction in numbers that is almost certainly linked, directly or indirectly, to human activities such as fishing, pollution and tourism. Only a profound knowledge of the Antarctic ecology can help us protect these animals and their habitats. This is the main goal of our research. The results of our research have been published in both scientific literature and the popular press (publications). In addition, they have been widely distributed among, and used by, relevant governmental and environmental departments (collaborations). Our research was also exploited by various working groups to highlight more complex ecogolocial relationships, for example the distribution of marine top-predators in the Southern Ocean, and to identify marine hot spots (KBAs, mIBAs) and suitable regions for the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs).
In supporting our work you can help preserve the wildlife of Antarctica, so that our children and grandchildren may enjoy it.
Interdisciplinary Publications:
- Overlap between marine predators and proposed Marine Managed Areas on the Patagonian Shelf. Baylis, A.M.M, A.M. de Lecea, M. Tierney, R.A. Orben, N. Ratcliffe, E. Wakefield, P. Catry, L. Campioni, M. Costa, P.D. Boersma, F. Galimberti, J.P. Granadeiro, J.F. Masello, K. Pütz, P. Quillfeldt, G.A. Rebstock, S. Galimberti, I.J. Staniland & P. Brickle. Ecological Appliations (2021) 31(8): e02426.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of a large multi-use MPA in protecting key biodiversity areas for marine predators. Handley, J., E. Pearmain, S. Oppel, A. Carneiro, C. Hazin, R. Phillips, N. Ratcliffe, I. Staniland, T. Clay, J. Hall, A. Scheffer, M. Fedak, L. Boehme, K. Pütz, M. Belchier, I. Boyd, P.N. Trathan, M. Dias. Diversity and Distributions (2020),
- Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Hindell, M.A., R.R. Reisinger, Y. Ropert-Coudert, L.A. Hückstädt, P.N. Trathan, H. Bornemann, J.B. Charrassin, D.P. Costa, B. Danis, M.A. Lea, D. Thompson, L.G. Torres, A.P. Van de Putte, D.G. Ainley, R. Alderman, V. Andrews-Goff, B. Arthur, G. Ballard, J. Bengtson, M.N. Bester, A. Schytte Blix, L. Boehme, C.A. Bost, P. Boveng, J. Cleeland, R. Constantine, R.J.M. Crawford, L. Dalla Rosa, P.J.N. de Bruyn, K. Delord, S. Descamps, M. Double, K. Dugger, L. Emmerson, M. Fedak, A. Friedlaender, N. Gales, M. Goebel, K.T. Goetz, C. Guinet, S.D. Goldsworthy, R. Harcourt, J. Hinke, K. Jerosch, A. Kato, K.R. Kerry, R. Kirkwood, G.L. Kooyman, K.M. Kovacs, K. Lawton, A.D. Lowther, C. Lydersen, P.O’B Lyver, A.B. Makhado, M.E..I Márquez, B. McDonald, C. McMahon, M. Muelbert, D. Nachtsheim, K.W. Nicholls, E.S. Nordøy, S. Olmastroni, R.A. Phillips, P. Pistorius, J. Plötz, K. Pütz, N. Ratcliffe, P.G. Ryan, M. Santos, C. Southwell, I. Staniland, A. Takahashi, A. Tarroux, W. Trivelpiece, E. Wakefield, H. Weimerskirch, B. Wienecke, J.C. Xavier, S. Wotherspoon, I.D. Jonsen & B. Raymond. Nature (2020) 580: 87–92.
- The Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking Data Project. Ropert-Coudert, Y., A.P. Van de Putte, H. Bornemann, J.B. Charrassin, D.P. Costa, B. Danis, L.A. Hückstädt, I.D. Jonsen, M.A. Lea, R.R. Reisinger, D. Thompson, L.G. Torres, P.N. Trathan, S. Wotherspoon, D.G. Ainley, R. Alderman, V. Andrews-Goff, B. Arthur, G. Ballard, J. Bengtson, M.N. Bester, L. Boehme, C.A. Bost, P. Boveng, J. Cleeland, R. Constantine, R.J.M. Crawford, L. Dalla Rosa, P.J.N. de Bruyn, K. Delord, S. Descamps, M. Double, K. Dugger, L. Emmerson, M. Fedak, A. Friedlander, N. Gales, M. Goebel, K.T. Goetz, C. Guinet, S.D. Goldsworthy, R. Harcourt, J. Hinke, K. Jerosch, A. Kato, K.R. Kerry, R. Kirkwood, G.L. Kooyman, K.M. Kovacs, K. Lawton, A.D. Lowther, C. Lydersen, P.O.B. Lyver, A.B. Makhado, M.E.I. Márquez, B. McDonald, C. McMahon, M. Muelbert, D. Nachtsheim, K. Nicholls, E.S. Nordøy, S. Olmastroni, R.A. Phillips, P. Pistorius, J. Plötz, K. Pütz, N. Ratcliffe, P.G. Ryan, M. Santos, A. Schytte Blix, C. Southwell, I. Staniland, A. Takahashi, A. Tarroux, W. Trivelpiece, H. Weimerskirch, B. Wienecke, J.C. Xavier, B. Raymond & M.A. Hindell. Scientific Data (2020) 7: 94.
- Important at-sea areas of marine higher predators on the Patagonian Shelf. Baylis, A.M.M., M. Tierney, R. Orben, V. Warwick-Evans, J. Grecian, E. Wakefield, R. Reisinger, P.N. Trathan, P.D. Boersma, L. Campioni, P. Catry, S. Crofts, J. Croxall, F. Galliamberti, J. Granadeiro, J. Handley, S. Hayes, A. Hedd, J. Massello, W.A. Montevechhi, K. Pütz, P. Quillfeldt, N. Ratcliffe, G. Rebstock, S. Sanvito, I. Staniland, D. Thompson, P. Brickle. Scientific Reports (2019) 9: 8517
- Spatial scales of conservation management for breeding seabirds. Oppel, S., M. Bolton, A. Carneiro, M. Dias, J.A. Green, J.F. Masello, E. Owen, P. Quillfeldt, A. Beard, S. Bertrand, J. Blackburn, P.D. Boersma, A. Borges, W. Bouten, A.C. Broderick, P. Catry, I. Cleasby, E. Clingham, J. Creuwels, S. Crofts, R. Cuthbert, D. Davies, R. Davies, B. Dilley, H. Andrade Dinis, J. Dossa, J. Veen, W. Mullié, H. Dallmeijer, M.J. Dunn, M.A. Efe, A. Fayet, L. Figueiredo, A. Pereira Frederico, R. Gauvain, C. Gjerdrum, B.J. Godley, J. González-Solís, J.P. Granadeiro, C. Gravelle, T. Guilford, K.C. Hamer, A. Hedd, L. Henry, M. Hernández-Montero, J. Hinke, N. Kokubun, E. Leatc, B. Metzger, T. Militão, G. Montrond, R.A. Phillips, I.L. Pollet, K. Pütz, F. Quintana, N. Ratcliffe, R.A. Ronconi, P. Ryan, S. Saldanha, A. Shoji, J. Sim, L. Soanes, A. Takahashi, P.N. Trathan, W. Trivelpiece, E. Wakefield, N. Weber, S. Weber, L. Zango & J. Croxall. Marine Policy (2018) 98: 37-46
- Framework for mapping marine megafauna key areas to inform Marine Spatial Planning: Falklands Islands case study. Augé, A.A, M.P. Dias, B. Lascelles, A.M.M. Baylis, A. Black, P.D. Boersma , P. Catry, S. Crofts, F. Galimberti, J.P. Granadeiro, A. Hedd, K. Ludynia, J.F. Masello, W. Montevecchi, R.A. Phillips, K. Pütz, P. Quillfeldt, G. Rebstock¸ S. Sanvito, I. Staniland, A. Stanworth, D. Thompson, M. Tierney, P. Trathan & J. Croxall. Marine Policy (2018) 92: 61-72